3D And All In Paris

So I reference the Purse Forum a lot at my blog because it’s been a great research and social tool for me in all things accessories. One of the unexpected benefits to membership there has been finding friends from all walks of life, with all sorts of experiences. All this from one common bond of a love for fashion. I’ve …


I Got Help

As a mentor once told me, it’s always free to ask. What’s not always free is the answer. Luckily for me, from my last SOS post I got help, directly from Paris. Or maybe I should get help, once you see the rest of my photos. But let’s face it, where there’s a kitschy Karl Lagerfeld anything, I’m sure to …


Bag Anxieties

So just how productive was Paris? I called up one of my favorite Chanel boutiques and lucked into speaking with a lovely sales associate. She patiently researched their inventory for the bags I inquired about and promised she’d get back to me. The weekend passed and after a few missed calls I get the message that un sac has arrived …


The Hunt For Orange

It’s Friday here, the markets are still in free fall around the world, Mother Nature won’t let up with the natural disasters (did you hear about that freak storm at the concert in Hasselt, Belgium right after the one in Indiana?), and I just finally watched the documentary Waiting For Superman, so things are bleary. I woke up this morning …

A Tale Of Three Dim Sums

If you know me, you’d agree that I’m better at making reservations than dinner itself, but I’m always up for an adventure in the kitchen. So while visiting my friends–who happen to love dim sum–in Europe last month, I tested our friendship by venturing into their kitchen and then making them eat the hagow I dared to make after watching …