Runway Vs Reality: 13A Jacket

A few months ago on Instagram I started a series called “Runway Vs. Reality.” Each Sunday I would feature a Chanel item (mostly RTW) from my own closet that has been featured on the catwalk or some sort of celebrity runway. It’s challenging to find these runway pics for the older collections, but it is still a lot of fun …


Paris Dubai

I know, I asked you to meet me back at Versailles after the lunch break and here I am transporting you instead to Dubai. Please excuse the fashion interruption but sometimes my Instagram feed needs to synch up with my blog! So anyway, today’s report is from my last reconnaissance trip to the boutiques for the winter pre-sales. Though I …


Brussels For A Day

Belgium has been my home away from home for so many years that sometimes I take Brussels for granted when in fact it provides wonderful photographic opportunities. Besides being a shopping hub for me, it is also a big city full of quaint squares and charming streets, brimming with tourists and locals… and semi-locals like moi (here I am at …


H&M x Alexander Wang

After ten weeks on the road I am a bit mud-brained but no worse for the wear. The only drawback is that I have so much catching up to do that shopping has to take a back seat…for now. So much to my distress, with meetings up to my eyeballs, there was no way I could queue up for the …

Dior Happened

The problem with brand loyalty, especially when carried to an extreme sartorial experiment by me, is that I miss out on a lot of other cool creations that are happening elsewhere outside of the universe at 31 rue Cambon. Anyway, my friend SL has been telling me about these Mise En Dior tribal earrings for who knows how long now, …