Year Of The Cat

I know practically everything (and soon everyone) is made in or owned by China, but some of us Asians follow our own lunar new year, as opposed to the Chinese New Year. And that can get a little confusing sometimes, especially this year, when we recognize two totally different animals. To the Chinese, this marks the year of the rabbit. …


William Rast For Target

I have a confession to make. I’m a Justin Timberlake fan, and if he ever goes on tour again I might or might not have to rent a tween to take to the concert with me (I’m just here to chaperone, ahem!). In all the recent running around I forgot to blog about his label’s collaboration with Target. When I …

Closet Colonoscopy

You know how some days you just wake up feeling like how my cat looks? This weekend has been like that for me. I sprained my ankle from a particularly rigorous workout on Friday so I’ve been hobbling around on one good foot for the last 48 hours. But the good news is that I finally got my lazy butt …


Visual Aid

All right, so you’ve all given me lots of food for thought. I’m leaning toward most of your suggestions about wearing heels with it to lengthen the look as anything with a peplum can make me look both shorter and wider, and that’s about as attractive as it sounds! Anyway, as requested by some comments, below are photos of the …


Couture Counsel: Interpreting The Runway

So a couple of blog entries ago I hinted at a jacket that’s a favorite of mine yet rests in my closet like a semi-forgotten trophy wife. She’s not lost her glitter, still a sight to behold, but she doesn’t get out much. And by that I mean at all. Every time I pass by this black jacket in my …