An Inappropriate Valentine

It should be no surprise to any of you by now that I heart Chanel. And I heart it out loud, in full (photographic) overdrive. So while in a daze from my bout with food poisoning from a bad falafel (maybe it was the hummus?) this past weekend, I was thinking why not share some crazy photos of the ones …


Trophy Shoes

Today’s photos are for an overseas reader who wanted to see how the William Rast for Target jackets fit before she ordered them online. So here some photos of how the XS fits me: I’m more comfortable with it unzipped: And here’s the ruched twill one–this one doesn’t feel as tight when zipped, and I think it looks better zipped …


Fantasy Overload

You didn’t think I was going to report about the trunk show without a single mention of the clothes, did you? Well, you know all that money I’m going to save by passing on the Spring bags? It’s going straight into the money pit better known as Chanel RTW. The first photo here is actually of the ribbon wool from …


Hello, Leo!

I know it’s still below freezing for some of you, but all the stores are in full Spring mode these days. In fact, I sneaked out for a bit to view the Chanel 2011 Printemps trunk show today and thought I’d blog about it while the images are still fresh in my mind. Now, I have to say I’ve been …


Lady Match-A-Lot

Remember the rapper Sir Mix-a-Lot of the “Baby Got Back” fame? Well, if I were his female counterpart in the fashion world, my moniker would be Lady Match-a-Lot. Case in point, the first thing I do upon bringing home a new bag is not immediately wearing it but rather digging through my stashes to see what shoes I can match …