Bag Anxieties

So just how productive was Paris? I called up one of my favorite Chanel boutiques and lucked into speaking with a lovely sales associate. She patiently researched their inventory for the bags I inquired about and promised she’d get back to me. The weekend passed and after a few missed calls I get the message that un sac has arrived …


Boutique No. 1

So I did manage to block off all of last Friday for some R&R. And by rest and recuperation I mean a hunt for a few things on my wish list. Now I should preface by saying I’d already been calling around for stock check at the various Chanel boutiques in Europe. It’s hit or miss, and some boutiques will …


Two Weeks In

What have I learned so far here, two weeks in, on this trip? 1. There actually are four seasons outside of Los Angeles. No matter what the Angelenos tell you, you can’t really melt under rain. And chilly weather is the best climate for Chanel RTW. I may have to turn up the air con to wear the tweed jackets …


Oh Dear

When I booted up my MacBook Air this morning, the first news that greeted me was the announcement of Steve Jobs’s death at the Apple website. The fact that it felt like such a personal loss, though I’d never met the man, is a testament to what a reach his company has on everyday people like me. In fact, it …


The Other Side

So I’ve made it to the other side, not too much for the worse, except that my sleeping pattern is all messed up. Wide awake until around 5am local time. Even if I pop some sleeping pills and turn in by 11pm, I’m wide awake by 5am. I know I have to rewire myself if I’m to be at all …