All Roads Lead To…

I’ve not fallen off the face of this continent. Just have been in transit. And judging from my title I’m sure you’ve guessed I’ve made it to the Eternal City, where I haven’t been in over a decade. Rome is still one of the most exciting places to be if you are a history buff or just like looking at …


On The Road Retail Therapy

Good news is that work is going pretty great on this European trip. Bad news is that it involves a lot of work, evil eating, and little time for anything else. And ya, I’m that annoying person who whips out her digicam in the restaurants! So…what have been my more memorable dishes? These shrimps were sooo succulent, subtly grilled and …


ODJ: May Day

I’ve been in Europe for over a week now, lugging my herbal tea pouches (to be taken 3x a day along with the 12 herbal horse pills) from place to place: Knock on wood, but so far I’ve not been harassed by customs for these funky smelling teas, which still taste like muddy water after the fifteenth day, and I …


ODJ: 4/18 Club Third Annual Meeting

So for the 4/18 Club meeting this year, we all convened at Lil A’s parents’ new apartment for the weekend and for a Princess-themed party. The best surprise was having the third member of our club, my first cousin S, also show up for dinner one night. In all the excitement, however, I forgot to take any pics. What a …

Mini Leo At Dinner

Birthdays make great excuses to pig out, and this year was no exception. I had some rather fabulous hand-made shrimp raviolis, but let’s face it, today’s short entry is really all about featuring Mini Leo at dinner…