St. Ignatius And The Pantheon

Where else besides Las Vegas can you find gladiators dressed in full gear in the middle of a crowded center? Well, it would be the Piazza della Rotonda, a square in front of the Pantheon: And like Vegas, most of Rome is a tourist trap, but it wouldn’t be right to come here without touring one of its most famous …


Vatican City

Truly a walled city state within the medieval walls of Rome, Vatican City is the world’s smallest independent state by size (110 acres) and density (population: 800). All around its gates, you can see the greater arms of Rome embracing it, shielding it… But as soon as you step past the massive columned entry and the ubiquitous Pontifical Swiss Guard… …

A Fashion Break

I hope you all had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. I’m still trudging through a few deadlines but before continuing with my stories from Rome, how about we take a brief fashion break! While lamenting about the disappointment chez Hermès last week, I left out a tiny detail that there was indeed another bag of sorts en route to me. …


When In Rome, Eat

A few entries ago I wrote about leaving the H boutique empty-handed, disheartened. When retail therapy doesn’t work, I destress with food therapy. Besides, it’d be a sin to blog about Rome without any mention of its culinary excellence. What is it that people say, when in Rome…eat? So from the crowded via Condotti shopping area I get lost down …


Il Colosseo

New York has the Statue of Liberty; Paris, the Eiffel Tower; and Rome…il Colosseo. The Colosseum is a massive amphitheater that could seat up to 75,000 people. On the sunny day that I visited it, it felt like there were 74,999 other people with me: Rome was packed. And at this wildly popular tourist attraction, it took the patience of …