Mush, Mush, Mush

Sometimes when you have just received a great amount of trauma and stress, a part of your brain goes into heightened auto pilot, allowing you to do things you ordinarily are incapable of doing especially on very little sleep, so that you can survive whatever you need to in order to take care of business. To just get past it. …


Summer Sale

It’s no secret that I’m on a first-name basis with the Fedex and UPS guys at my house, but it’s starting to be the case here even at my parents’ house. In the early afternoon the trucks would pull up, and before I even rip open the packages, I can already feel an upsurge of serotonin through my body. Mood …


Positive Energy

What is it that they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you poorer? Or is it stronger? In my case, it’s more of the first than the latter, but I’ll have to admit: retail therapy sure is a whole lot more fun than wallowing in fear and self-doubt. We got to bring my father home from the hospital Monday night, …


Family First

Not too long ago my dad confessed that he’d never changed any of our diapers. Ever. Three daughters, zero diaper changes. He would be the first to tell you that he was never the warm and fuzzy, hands-on father type, but for as long as I can remember, one single look of disapproval from him was enough to stop a …

Die By Gluttony

Eat, walk, photograph, drink, repeat. Though not necessarily in that order. But that’s basically my routine in Rome. The question, though, is where to eat. There are so many wonderful choices in Rome that sometimes I wish I had an extra stomach to accompany my hungry eyes. As a long time fan of TripAdvisor, I decided perhaps just once I’d …