Knokke Het Zoute, Belgium

Is this what my life has come to? Have I become so obsessed with the hunt for H that my visits now only revolve around cities, no matter how large or obscure, where there are Hermès boutiques? I sure hope not! I’d prefer to think that my travels happen to cross paths with the random H store every once in …

Window Shopping In Antwerp

Antwerp is a port city consisting of a very diverse population of about half a million people. While most people identify Antwerp with diamonds and Rubens or Van Dyck, this quietly vibrant town is also emerging as a fashion capital in its own rights. Olivier Theyskens, Raf Simons, and Veronique Branquinho have each brought the Belgian aesthetics and sensibility to …

Rainbows, Waterfalls, Rambutans and Ramen

One of my earliest childhood memories is sitting in a sunny classroom with one ear on the teacher and another on the chirping of things going on outside the window. For the most part I was a good student but it was always really, really tough for me to concentrate on what was going inside when all I ever wanted …


Silver Lining

Given how unpredictable life on the road can get–from Mother Nature’s temper tantrums to human errors to technical glitches–my first rule of travel is “every cloud has a silver lining.” Take for example my trip to Hilo to visit the HawaiÊ»i Volcanoes National Park that’s supposed to stay open 24/7 year round. This is as far as I got: because …


The Road To Adoption…The End?

Technically the title of today’s entry should be “The Road To Adoption, Part 5,” but as I was typing, I asked myself what happens when you find your holy grail? Does it mean the end? And I changed the title. This particular adoption began some nine months ago, when I first laid eyes on her. She was a few years …