Today begins with a stop in Dam Square. It is yet another huge square flanked by grand, historic buildings and tons of shops and restaurants. This picture below is taken of a map at a bus stop and is of no significance to anyone except to my immediate family. Or maybe to people who need to get to Dam Square: …
I Amsterdam
When I arrive in Amsterdam it is sunny but thunder strikes. Finally it drizzles and yet the sun is still fighting for air space. I am nervous because I’m not used to the number of cables overhead and the oncoming trains. My favorite architect Antoni Gaudi died from getting run over by a tram so I have no romantic notions …
Keep on Walking
It may be easy to cross international borders in the EU, but it doesn’t change the fact that there are definitely big cultural gaps between one nation and the next. When I’m in Germany–in this case in the city of Koln–the differences are palpable, from the architecture to the food, to people’s body language, and even to rules of the …
On sera en Chine!
Crossing international borders in Europe is about as anticlimactic as crossing statelines in the US. Blink and you’ll miss it. On this very chilly and rainy day we decide to drive to a city (any city) in France just to settle the debate of whether a baguette is tastier in France or in Belgium. I’m anxious to get to Paris …
How sweet dreams begin
This past weekend I met up with a friend of mine for lunch and shopping. He’s starting a new business venture so we got together to talk shop. Besides launching new projects myself, I also love talking about entrepreneurism with other business mavericks. This country is full of risk takers with dreams of all sizes, and with the right amount …