My City of Angels

  A sweet email from a Scottish reader reminds me what a great photographic opportunity I have right here in Los Angeles.  So while I anticipate my next trip to NY to visit my newest niece, I’ll just post pictures of my hometown as I find it here and there for a while.  The photos in today’s entry were taken appropriately enough …


The Gao

  As I woke up this morning on my 25th birthday… yet again –yes, it gets harder and harder to say that joke every year with a straight face–I reached blindly for my blackberry (what, you don’t sleep with your blackberry?) and got the email I’d been anxiously waiting for all night. My little sister and her husband just welcomed …

And Groovy Rooftops

  I was driving, well, sitting in traffic this Easter weekend to get to an appointment in Santa Monica. It was one of those perfect LA spring days…not too chilly to roll the windows all the way up and not too warm to roll them completely down.  So with the windows cracked half-way, I sat on the parking lot known as the I-10 …


Matchy Match

  I got schooled today at a local J Crew store by an overly attentive salesperson who told me the monochromatic way of dressing was sooo 2008.  While it created a slimming silhouette (isn’t that what we’re all after?), that thinking was fashion backward and it was time to mix things up. It was time, she said breathlessly while grabbing …


Intervention Party of One

  You haven’t heard from me recently because I’ve been (a) under the weather and (b) sucked into the previously mentioned vacuum known as my closet. I make a terrible patient and instead of bed rest, I dive headfirst into busy work in order to distract myself from how miserable I feel. Hence, the dreaded closet cleaning. So I’ve filled one …