It’s been almost five weeks since I started the bootcamp program to tone up my body. I’m here to report that I’ve put on two pounds, my jeans feel tighter and looser in different parts, and the 6-pack abs are still nowhere to be found.  This is where I’m reminded of an YouTube video on how to fake abs. If I assessed …
Get Into My Belly!
 OK so that was a bit misleading yesterday; you might even accuse me of false advertising or bait-and-switch. But I am taking you to Chinatown and Little Tokyo in today’s blog, and frankly, the food found in these neighborhoods in the middle of LA is just as satisfying as what I found in Hong Kong or Tokyo. Except here, …
Tough Angelenos
 A few years ago toward the height of the real estate boom in Southern California I went to look at lofts in downtown LA. I love the idea of an open, industrial looking floor plan in a highrise defiant of earthquakes. For as long as I can remember, there has always been talk of revitalizing the area around the Staples Center… …
Make Me a Leafy Sea Dragon!
 So where do I pick you up today? Ah yes, we’re still at Exposition Park,  in front of the IMAX theater at the California Science Center. There are funny signs on the ground asking you to think about your shadow, your sense of smell, and things like that:  I’m still shocked that I’m having a great time in SC territory so the …
Globin’ in LA
*This entry is dated for April 22 to commemorate Earth Day 2009 but the photos and trip recounted below were taken on Saturday, April 25.  There’s a very special exhibit ( that just opened at Exposition Park in LA in honor of Earth Day.  It runs through July 23 and will continue on to Houston, Texas.  I’d seen …