Clammy Aftertaste

     I always know when I’m sick because my ears pop and then I get strange cravings in spite of a missing appetite.  So that explains my lapse in blogging. Luckily I come around to feeling human again just in time for a fun lunch at Pizzeria Mozza ( ) at the corner of Highland and Melrose.  This is what …


Downtown Girl

  A couple of years I got to spend a week in NYC completely unplugged. No business meetings, no family obligations.  Zero agenda. It was glorious. A week of roaming the island at leisure was one of my most memorable trips anywhere. I’d wake up and decide on an Uptown day for visiting Museum Mile and strolling through the posh …

Let the City Happen to Me

     There’s so much of NYC to see that no matter how many times I’ve been there, the unfamiliar always trumps the familiar.  Manhattan elicits the same excitement whether I’m seeing it for the first time as a college freshman on a miniscule budget or as an executive many years later on a less restrictive business account.     It …

Drunk on Baby

     What I thought were allergies turn out to be a full fledged cold.    At least I hope it’s a cold and not the (swine) flu.     In any event I feel worn out coming home to a very smoggy LA.     No amount of meds can make me feel better right now, so indulge me in showing off the little one for …

Every Day Should Be Celebrated Like Mother’s Day

    After four days of hanging around my sister and her newborn daughter, I have to give serious props to all the moms in the world, particularly today on Mother’s Day. And especially to my mom who was brave/masochistic enough to go through motherhood three times over.      Sleep deprivation, hormonal uproar, emotional overload, and physical fatigue are …