For $1 I’ll Try Anything

  There’s a huge Korean supermarket in Carrollton, Texas called H Mart. And by huge I mean enormous.  Turns out it’s a chain and a big enterprise.  At this location there’s a full produce section,   kimchi department (I don’t know how else to call it), food court,   bakery, large seafood section, clothing boutique, household goods section, phone store. …



When I came home from the Galleria with my mom this afternoon my Dad told us that Michael Jackson had been taken to the hospital for a heart attack. About half an hour later, my friend sent me an instant message that MJ had died. She was at a car dealership in LA getting her windshield wipers fixed when the …

Sushi Axiom

  When it’s this hot outside you can either cool off in a pool or hide inside an air conditioned room. As a converted sun worshiper, I’ve been chilling inside malls,  my parents’ kitchen, and lots of restaurants in Dallas. Today I want to plug a cousin-in-law’s place, Sushi Axiom (www.sushiaxiom.net), in the Knox/Henderson area.       I’ve had …

Send Me to Antarctica!

I’ve probably been hatching the plan to visit my final continent of Antarctica for about 3 years now. But what better way than to go on someone else’s dime, as their guest blogger! When I got an email from Quark Expeditions (www.quarkexpeditions.com) about their contest, I knew I had to rally everyone for their votes. So this link below is now …


A Life in Grey

  One of the photo albums on my Facebook page is entitled “Larkie Chases the World,”  and my brother-in-law asked me if I’d ever catch it. My knee-jerk reaction was to answer him I sure hope not, because what else would there be for me to do?  But the more I think about this, the more I wonder what really …