Freedom Rocks

On this Fourth of July, I’d like to reflect on the definition of the word independence as it relates to travel, and to me. It is a real privilege for me to have the independence to see the world. I never take it for granted. I make a concerted effort to find a bit of sun in even the bleakest …

Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes!

  You can always tell it’s sale season at my house by the pile of carton boxes building up outside my door. Apparently while I was in Dallas the sales associates from my favorite stores have been busy sending me things in my size just in case they might fit. So on my first full day back I have been …


Back in LA

  So I connect through Austin on my way back to LA from Dallas.  While I’m waiting for my first outbound flight at DFW, there’s suddenly loud applause all around. I look up and see a stream of soldiers coming out of two different gates. Young, older, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, male, female–they all walk out in their fatigues, a bit (but …


Texas Triumvirate

  Today is my second Sunday in Dallas on this trip and it’s totally different from the last one. This afternoon I’m hanging out with my sister-in-law T and her three girls at a pottery art studio in Plano called Art & Soul:   I’d give this place a little plug but they don’t want photos taken of the studio …

Domesticated by the Pizzelle

  Every language has a similar expression of “live to eat or eat to live.”  In my mom’s kitchen we definitely practice the former, as my previous entries have proven.     During this particular visit of mine, we have already attempted twice to use the small electric pizzelle iron (which looks similar to the waffle iron) to make the …