The Real American Thanksgiving Tradition

Hi everyone! I’ve not fallen into a food or shopping coma…yet. I promise to circle back to continue the Lanvin story in a few days, but for the time being, I’ve been hosting my Belgian family here so we’ve been on the go nonstop. Who knew LA was so big! And who knew there was a thing called the Central Market or Angel Flight downtown? But more on that in days to come.

Tonight I cooked an unconventional Thanksgiving dinner consisting of crab eggrolls and seafood crispy fried noodles, followed by lunar cake. Not at all your turkey and pumpkin pie combo, but Thanksgiving is just about getting together over a home cooked meal, regardless of content. Am I right?

As I am writing this, it is 9.30pm and the Belgians have been asleep for over an hour. They’re getting all the rest they can get so they can enjoy the real American Thanksgiving tradition tomorrow: Black Friday. The euro is still strong against our currency and they’ve been drooling for the sales since we looked at all the ads in the paper this morning.

My alarm is set for 3am. If you don’t hear back from me in a couple of days, please send a search party after me at the Grove. I’ll be the one in a Chanel peacoat and bunny slippers :D.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 Comment

  1. April

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Larkie!

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