Amsterdam, Part 1

By the time you sit down to read this entry, I will be running around somewhere in Southeast Asia. I’d meant to share these photos from my somewhat recent trip to Amsterdam (over the last holiday season) before I left on my trip, but it’s been such a hectic couple of weeks that I had no time to come here and de-stress a bit.

Amsterdam is one of those places that you have to see in person. Like Hong Kong, Paris, or Machu Picchu. Tons of images can be found of these places, but some cities need to be walked, smelled, tasted, and devoured by all five of your senses.

These that you see in today’s entry are photos I took while walking around Amsterdam:

This was not my first trip to Amsterdam so I got to take the city in stride this time around, without any rush to and from museums and what not. Though I wish I’d remembered to buy a ticket to the Anne Frank museum ahead of time…

The line seemed like a mile long and the chill cut through my jacket, so I opted for some pancakes instead:

You know the weather’s got to be bad for me to pass up on a museum. More from the city in the next entry.


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