Brussels For A Day

Belgium has been my home away from home for so many years that sometimes I take Brussels for granted when in fact it provides wonderful photographic opportunities. Besides being a shopping hub for me, it is also a big city full of quaint squares and charming streets,

brimming with tourists and locals…

and semi-locals like moi (here I am at the Grand Place in the Chanel bow sweater from the 14P season):

Not far from any madding crowds are the requisite Belgian sweet shops…

but the sweetest of all is this French import, Ladurée, in the most exquisite building on Place Sablon:

As with most large European capitals, Brussels is a mix of historical buildings…

and American joints:

Can you see that tiny Starbucks sign behind all that renovation at the Grand Place? But who am I to complain? Where else can I get some tea plus free wifi!

So that’s what you can see in Brussels for a day. But don’t get too comfortable on your sofa yet, dear readers. Put your walking shoes on. My bags are packed, my tweed sneakers need to get broken-in, and we’re heading back out!


  1. larkie

    hi lady sarah! I like The HOtel Brussels because it is right near all my fav shops and it’s set up like a business hotel. But there are so many lovely boutique hotels in the area as well.

  2. lady sarah in london

    I love Brussels! Planning a weekend there soon. Where do you normally stay there?

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