From The Sidewalk To The Catwalk

This is how behind I am. Today I’m posting about a lovely day I had in Dallas a few weeks ago as I’m sitting in my hotel room in yet another city I sometimes wish I lived in that I’ll write about later. I meant to write about that visit to Big D when it happened because, if you are in the area, I would encourage you to stop by the Jean Paul Gaultier (JPG) exhibit (The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier: From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk) that will be leaving the Dallas Museum of Art on February 12, 2012.

Even if you don’t love the often over-the-top and sometimes S&M imagination of JPG, it is quite an experience to behold so many of his couture gowns and outfits in one place. I attended the show with my good friend E, who’s like my brother from another father. And mother. More on that later when he’s ready for me to share him with you. He’s not a rabid fan of JPG like yours truly, but judging from his reaction, I think it was a pretty cool experience for him, too. I wish they’d let me take pictures of the many gowns I’d only before seen from runway photos or magazine editorials or of the mannequins, including one of JPG himself, on whose faces were projected images of real people. So when the mannequins talked, they became more real than they should be! Very cool.

Anyway, before E and I moseyed into this exhibit, we–and by we I mean E sweet talking his way into getting us to poke our heads into rooms that were closed off to the public–wandered around the downtown area where all the new theaters and concert halls have mushroomed around the museums:

In the next entry I’ll feature something we saw at a particular museum that I’d like to try to find on my next trip to China. But remember, if you’re anywhere in Texas, run–don’t walk–to the DMA and catch an eyeful of JPG. Your imagination will thank you.


  1. lightdays

    Hey Larkie! It’s lightdays from tPF. Great pictures. I love museums and exhibits. I PMed you asking you about your Chanel tailor.

  2. Chic 'n Cheap Living

    That would be a fun exhibit to see! I still remember Te Valentino exhibit (friends finished it a lot faster than I did but I loved it!)

    Chic ‘n Cheap Living

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