My first Belgian Christmas dinner was not too, too different from the ones I’ve had elsewhere…lots of caloric overindulgence followed by attempts to work off the meals–to no avail of course! Because tons of cooking usually means lots of leftovers which means even more eating the next few days. Anyway, I was invited to a lovely Christmas dinner which started …
Merry Christmas Everyone!
This year, just like last year, I wish to find a teleporter under the Christmas tree and free global wifi as a stocking stuffer. But with the worldwide financial crisis going on I doubt Santa has the resources to get me these presents any time soon. He’s lucky to not have to lay off any elves. So for now, I …
Antwerp’s Christmas Market
I’ve blogged numerous times about Antwerp (Antwerpen/Anvers), one of my favorite cities in Belgium. But I don’t think I ever mentioned the most popular story behind how the city got its name. Legend has it that there was once a giant named Antigoon who charged a toll on shippers crossing the river Scheldt. If they failed to pay the toll, …
Durbuy’s Christmas Market
Don’t squint. There’s nothing wrong with your computer screen, or your eyes. Relax and sit back. It’s just me taking you through a hazy dream tunnel… and sooner or later your vision will become clearer… But trust me, when we arrive at the little town of Durbuy, you will think you are still dreaming and have to pinch yourself… because …
Namur’s Christmas Market
We’re only a few days away from Christmas so I’m taking a break from Fes to report to you live from the Belgian Christmas markets. At the moment I’m somewhat snowbound. Ice, snow and sleet take turns at this same window that greets me each morning–though by yesterday’s late afternoon the snow melted just in time… for me to watch …