During summer breaks when I was in high school, I would sometimes drive around aimlessly with my little sister. Once in a while, we’d slow down in front of an interesting looking structure and I’d tell her we should go knock on the door just to see what it looked like on the inside.  She’d giggle in a way …
Let’s Skip The Quixotic Chases
 The first time I got to see a windmill up close and in person, it was dark outside and the tavern inside, where we were hoping to get a beer, was closed.  I’d arrived at Le Moulin Defrenne too late. This time, I’m prepared like a Boy Scout. I’ve perused the mill database and concluded that eventually all roads …
Packing 1996 Here And Unpacking 2005 There
 I like to document things. Trips, events, people, especially fashion… stuff that makes life fun and funny, particularly in hindsight.  Before technology became fingertip-available, I’d laminate or Formaldehyde or shadow box whatever I could and keep them in perpetuity. I didn’t want to not have a reminder of everything I ever experienced. But in time all my moves from city …
Number 29
 A forever visual I have of Dublin is of its streets lined with rows upon rows of Georgian houses…  Someone like me, who needs a GPS to get out of a parking garage, might have a hard time locating her own house here. Perhaps the brightly painted doors can provide some assistance:  Of all these wonderful doors, there’s …
I’d Try To Escape!
 Kilmainham Gaol was infamous for the execution of many Easter Rising rebellion leaders back in the early 1900s, and it’s now famous as a movie set for films such as In the Name of the Father and Michael Collins.  From the outside it is an unassuming yet austere building,  and across the street is a row of swanky new …