So I connect through Austin on my way back to LA from Dallas. While I’m waiting for my first outbound flight at DFW, there’s suddenly loud applause all around. I look up and see a stream of soldiers coming out of two different gates. Young, older, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, male, female–they all walk out in their fatigues, a bit (but …
Texas Triumvirate
 Today is my second Sunday in Dallas on this trip and it’s totally different from the last one. This afternoon I’m hanging out with my sister-in-law T and her three girls at a pottery art studio in Plano called Art & Soul:  I’d give this place a little plug but they don’t want photos taken of the studio …
Domesticated by the Pizzelle
 Every language has a similar expression of “live to eat or eat to live.”  In my mom’s kitchen we definitely practice the former, as my previous entries have proven.   During this particular visit of mine, we have already attempted twice to use the small electric pizzelle iron (which looks similar to the waffle iron) to make the …
For $1 I’ll Try Anything
 There’s a huge Korean supermarket in Carrollton, Texas called H Mart. And by huge I mean enormous.  Turns out it’s a chain and a big enterprise.  At this location there’s a full produce section,  kimchi department (I don’t know how else to call it), food court,  bakery, large seafood section, clothing boutique, household goods section, phone store. …
When I came home from the Galleria with my mom this afternoon my Dad told us that Michael Jackson had been taken to the hospital for a heart attack. About half an hour later, my friend sent me an instant message that MJ had died. She was at a car dealership in LA getting her windshield wipers fixed when the …